1. Commit to Daily Rituals
Having daily rituals to follow will help you maintain your progress and avoid slipping backwards.
The Start, Stop, Continue method can be used for this purpose. It’s a method for keeping tabs on your attention and figuring out what’s worth your time and what isn’t.
See how it operates below:
You need to get going on these right away; they are the actions that will get you closer to your objectives.
If, for instance, you want to increase your online authority, you might “BEGIN building a relationship” with social media influencers after reading about the benefits of influencer marketing.
It’s crucial that the actions you choose to initiate (those you’ll actually start doing) correspond directly with your stated goals and desired outcomes.
Stop doing these things if you want to see improvement in your situation.
You have probably developed some undesirable routines. Such things might include routines, procedures, or systems that were once effective. And while they may feel familiar, you should evaluate whether or not they are actually helping you achieve your objectives.
Start by reviewing your marketing strategy and listing the top ten daily tasks you’ll be completing to implement it. Check to see if there has been any change now. Try to do things like:
squander time, effort, and resources that aren’t directly contributing to the company’s overall goals;
Let’s say you decided to try a new approach to social media. You’ve decided to increase the number of promotional posts by five and increase their frequency.
You’ve seen a dramatic drop in activity (such as clicks and new leads) over the past month. After reviewing the data, you realise it’s something you need to STOP and readjust.
CONTINUE: These are actions you’re currently taking and should continue because they’re working. Consistency is the key to any area of your business.
So, let’s say you started popping into social media every day to engage and interact with your followers, and saw your coaching leads increase significantly.
You’re making connections, people are more involved, and buzz is growing about your product. That’s something you need to CONTINUE to do.
2. Tap Into Your Audience and Their NEEDS
You need to know your audience inside and out:
- What motivates and drives them forward?
- What’s important to them?
- What do they care about most?
Not sure? Take the time to get to know their NEEDS.
- Natural motivators
- Energy
- Enthusiasm
- Desire
- Story
Discover their innermost desires, the aspects of your business they are most passionate about, and the tale you can tell to pique their curiosity, garner their support, and foster collaboration.
Implement this information into your social media and content strategies to better connect with your target demographic.
Also Read: How To Create Snackable Content
3. Practice the Rule of 3
Content, Context, and Clarity are the three pillars upon which the rule of three rests. Your content strategy should centre on these three elements.
We’ve all heard the phrase “Content is king.” It’s the key to reaching your audience, getting noticed, and passing along your message.
However, not just any old material will do. Communicate only what makes sense to your audience, helps them, and inspires confidence.
Not only will sharing the right type of content help you attract the right audience, it will turn them into leads, prospects, and buyers.
When it comes to social media, context is just as important as content. You can think of it as the glue that keeps your brand in your target audience’s mind.
Adding context makes your content relevant and relatable.
Mental mud prevents people from purchasing, downloading, or taking any kind of action. That’s why it’s crucial that the information you provide is crystal clear.
To avoid confusion, it’s important to spell out exactly what you want your audience to do next.
You should never make an assumption and cross your fingers. Be clear, concise, and to-the point.
Also Read: Social Media Addiction
There will always be obstacles in the way of your social media success, but you can’t let them deter you. Embrace the iterative cycle of self-evaluation, course correction, and betterment.
If you keep an eye on your company’s performance, you’ll have the information you need to make confident choices.
A company’s growth can be exponential if its leaders are willing to take risks.